Sondra Sexton-Jones, MS

Licensed Professional Counselor

Call Us Today 907-209-2263
Now Accepting New Patients
Currently Offering In Person and TeleTherapy Appointments


Welcome to the website of Sondra Sexton-Jones, LPC. Sondra focuses on trauma-informed therapy. Please click on the links above for specific information about Sondra and her work and all the services offered in her practice. If you have questions or would like to contact Sondra, feel free to do so via telephone or email as detailed at the bottom of the page.

Sondra Sexton-Jones is an American author and speaker on coping with grief following the death of a loved one by suicide or other means. She is a member of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, The American Counseling Association, and the American Association of Suicidology, having served as the past editor of Surviving Suicide, a newsletter for survivors of suicide, published by the American Association of Suicidology.

She wrote her book, When Someone You Love Completes Suicide, after the death of her husband by suicide. She is the facilitator of Survivor of Suicide groups provided on an as-needed basis.

Office of Sondra Sexton Jones in Juneau AK
Lupine outside the office of Sondra Sexton Jones

Counseling services in Alaska and Texas

Perhaps you’re in the midst of a difficult divorce. It could be that you’re experiencing conflict with one of your children. Or maybe you’re having trouble coping in the aftermath of a life-changing event, such as losing your job, being the victim of a violent attack, or facing the death of a loved one.

Whatever you’re going through, you may feel alone with nowhere and no one to turn to—but help is available. One such path is to see Sondra Sexton-Jones, a licensed professional counselor who possesses years of experience.

We will set up your counseling in the way that feels most comfortable for you. Both one-on-one and group sessions are available, so you can talk to Sondra individually or undergo counseling along with your spouse, child, or multiple family members. Please contact the office today if you’d like to schedule a session or if you’re interested in receiving more information.